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    100902 Jung Yonghwa - Seohyun 200days Anniv Duet Stage, can be seen in both "Music Core" and "WGM"


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    100902 Jung Yonghwa - Seohyun 200days Anniv Duet Stage, can be seen in both "Music Core" and "WGM" Empty 100902 Jung Yonghwa - Seohyun 200days Anniv Duet Stage, can be seen in both "Music Core" and "WGM"

    Post by ♥Jessica 2010-09-02, 09:20

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    CNBLUE Jung Yonghwa and SNSD Seohyun perfect duet harmony for the 'Korean Wave Concert 2010' that took place last 29th August in the Incheon World Cup Stadium are planned to be broadcast twice.

    The first broadcast of the JYH-SH duet can be seen in the upcoming MBC Music Core on 4th of September and it will also include other artists performance in the 'Korean Wave Concert 2010' such as Boa, Se7en, Super Junior, 2PM, Taeyang, SNSD, Kara, Shinee, U-Kiss, Afterschool and many others.

    In addition, Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun, who got the nickname YeongSeo Couple, their duet stage can also be seen through the program We Got Married Season 2. That day on the'Korean Wave Concert 2010' also marked their exactly 200 days anniversary since their first meeting as YeongSeo couple in 'WGM', making the duet stage even more a significant event. Since it was such a special day, the 'WGM' crew made sure that the performance was nicely captured on camera.

    Through the phone to Sports Chosun, the WGM staff added, "We also recorded their appearance outside the joint stage, and this will be revealed later in the broadcast", raising expectations even higher.

    Meanwhile, Jung Yonghwa who is in the group CNBLUE and Seohyun successfully performed CNBLUE song 'Love Light'and SNSD 'Run Devil Run' in the 'Korean Wave Concert 2010' and received a very hot response from the viewer.

    Source: Sports ChosunTrans: blue_jus7 @ CodeAzzurro
    Taken from: Daily Kpop

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